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Islamisasi Ilmu Pengetahuan - Filsafat Ilmu

Kalimah: Jurnal Filsafat Ilmu   Islamisasi Ilmu Pengetahuan: Mengembalikan Ilmu pada Worldview Islam Peni Maulidia Julia Dara Universitas Darunnajah Jakarta Email:   Abstract Science as fundamental knowledge and must be owned by every human being has values ​​that must be integrated with Islamic teachings. The phenomena of secularism, rationalism, utilitarianism, materialism, and the dichotomy of science where in the development of Western civilization the authenticity, perfection and purity of Islam as the only revealed religion are ignored and abandoned even now starting to color Muslim society and its thoughts are feared to lead to destruction. The contradictions of science in the Islamic and Western perspectives merge and make the boundaries between the two abstract and do not hesitate to be penetrated. Science, which is absolute, becomes a science of doubt that dep

Teks Arab dan Indonesia MC Wisuda Strata Satu Angkatan ke-22 STAI Darunnajah

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